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Family friendly formulations. Whole food concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, fibre, enzymes and phytonutrients suitable for the whole family. 

Each superfood blend can be enjoyed by people of all ages, including children, and is an easy way to pack nutrients into the family’s diet. Stir into water, milk, yogurt, cereal, a smoothie, or eat it straight off the spoon for everyday health, immunity and wellness. Alkaline foods are proven helpful in restoring a healthy ebb and flow between acid > alkaline pH in the body which facilitates a state of wellness. Reflected in better energy levels, restful sleep, healthy digestion and nutrient absorption, clear glowing skin, effective lymphatic and blood vitality, and a resilient immune system. This in turn supports the body to be better able to maintain a balanced state of homeostasis - whereby the body is able to function in balance by noticing changes and then acting upon them to regulate your systems. Homeostasis is optimally a self-regulating process by which your natural body intelligence and biological systems are in harmony to maintain stability while adjusting to changing external conditions = life!