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Healthy Hydration Tips to Support Your Skin and Body

Healthy Hydration Tips to Support Your Skin and Body

December 02, 2019

Succulent, juicy and plump. These are signs of both a healthy cactus as well as healthy hydrated skin.

To survive in harsh, dry conditions cacti have developed techniques to hold water within their fleshy folds and use of their spines to provide shade as well as reduce airflow creating a mini habitat within a habitat. We humans, however, whilst being incredibly amazing are not able to hold our water quite so well ☺️ 

silhouette of cactus at sunset with sun beams shining between the gaps

We constantly need to take in fluids to hydrate and to stay alive. Our brain function, health, immunity, skin and eyes all suffer very quickly when we're dehydrated.

Pretty much every function and every cell in our body require H2O. Our trillions and trillions of cells require a certain volume of fluids to be healthy, vital and alive.

But we need a healthy level of fluid both inside our cells and out. Bathing our tissues, and creating a nice cushion-like effect to help hold and maintain an internal pressure that keeps everything in place.

Water helps your body to regulate your body temperature as well as eliminate waste when we perspire and essentially acting as a delivery service of vital nutrients through our lymph system. It's a spring cleaning as these vital fluids flush toxins and waste away to collecting points around the body. 

Being hydrated even helps our appetite, stops a false sense of hunger and creates a feeling of being more satisfied when we eat. 

Hydrate to be Healthy & Wise Lemon & Mint water

Tips to keep you hydrated, all day every day

1. Never leave home without your water

Fill a BPA-free bottle with filtered clean water and take it with you wherever you go. When you get home, remember to give it a good soapy rinse and let it dry upside down to ensure your bottle doesn't start growing mould between uses. 

2. Calm down on the caffeine

For every cup of coffee you drink, your body generally requires 4 glasses of water to balance the hydration. So while you don't have to give up your coffee, just make sure you're drinking enough water to compensate. You could also try replacing one cup a day with another hot drink like a caffeine-free herbal tea - refreshing, remedial and hydrating.

3. Flavour your water - naturally

Put a slice of lemon or fresh mint leaves in your bottle of water to help you enjoy drinking H2O. This also helps your kidneys to absorb the 2-3 litres you’re drinking so it makes it into your cells rather than you simply peeing it all out ☺️

4. Take the hydration test

A super-easy way to tell if your cells are dehydrated is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand gently. If the fold of skin stays up for a few seconds or longer, you are dehydrated. Drink up, sunshine!

5. ...and don't forget the other test

A strong sign you're dehydrated is when your wee is dark and perhaps a bit strong smelling. Sip clean water steadily until your wee is clear and has no odour. You will feel a lot more energised too! 

6. Ensure your home water is quality water

Invest in a good water filter or purifier to be sure you're drinking clean, healthy water. It makes it so much easier to drink as it tastes so good! Your body, skin, eyes, taste buds and brain will love you for it.

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glass jug filled with lime slices and mint next to two glasses of waterbirdeye view of glass drink bottle filled with lemon and mint surrounded by lemon lime and mine

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