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Power Up Your Workout: Immune-Boosting Smoothies for Optimal Fitness & Energy!

Power Up Your Workout: Immune-Boosting Smoothies for Optimal Fitness & Energy!

November 01, 2024

Benefits of Nutrient-Dense Smoothies for Health and Immunity. 
Power Up Your Workout, improve recovery and simply feel healthy when you are choosing to be living your best life. 
Incorporating smoothies into your diet is an excellent way to ensure you're receiving the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants busy lives require to stay in thrive mode!

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SKIN HEALTH AND REFINED SUGARS. Your skin reflects your health.

SKIN HEALTH AND REFINED SUGARS. Your skin reflects your health.

June 12, 2024

Guest Blog by Naturopath Kelli Kolar

As a naturopath and nutritionist I love to support you to make better choices about your diet and skincare routines and look much younger and healthier. 

Sugar triggers a process called glycation, where sugar molecules bind to proteins like collagen and elastin, causing them to become stiff and malformed. This leads to various skin issues, including premature aging, inflammation, and acne.

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4 Nutrient-Rich Drinks Recipes to Get your Body Started Right

4 Nutrient-Rich Drinks Recipes to Get your Body Started Right

January 04, 2022

When we look after our inner health and wellbeing (mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically) all else will fall into place.

We exude a radiance, our skin is healthy and glowing, we have energy when we wake in the morning, our thoughts and emotions are in harmony.

And because health and wellness begin in the gut, so we thought the best way we could support you in your journey of health was to share a few delicious gut-loving recipes to get your year off to a healthy and energising start.

Here are four easy recipes to have on rotation to get your body the daily fuel it needs...

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Hydration - The Simple Cure for Hangovers (and many other things!)

Hydration - The Simple Cure for Hangovers (and many other things!)

June 15, 2021

Nothing is worse than waking up with a heavy head, a lead tongue and not knowing where to begin to start feeling alive again!

All it takes is one or two extra glasses while enjoying an evening with friends –  and cue an AWFUL headache the next morning.

But the question is – can finding relief really be as simple as staying hydrated?

Well yes, and no. Here we break down what really goes into hangover prevention and cures!

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woman holding two halves of a watermelon over her breasts

How To Improve Breast Health - 13 Tips from a Naturopath

October 07, 2020

Healthy breasts are breasts free of swellings, pain, cysts, fibrous tissue and, most importantly, free of cancer.

Breasts can be adversely affected by the sex hormones progesterone and oestrogen, as well as lymphatic congestion, which makes breasts prone to disease.  But there are a few simple behaviours we can incorporate into our daily routines to enhance breast health. Here are 13 simple suggestions...

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Negative Ions: How To Expose Yourself to Their Amazing Health Benefits

Negative Ions: How To Expose Yourself to Their Amazing Health Benefits

August 31, 2020

There are negative ions all around us.

We can find them around moving waters (like waterfalls, rivers and the ocean's edge), in the forest and even in our garden, especially after the rain.

These amazing things in nature are good for our body and mind, but what are they exactly? And how can we get more into our days?

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green smoothie bowl topped with fruit and nuts

Detoxifying and Energising Green Smoothie Bowl Recipe

July 01, 2020

Green smoothie bowls have the reputation of being too hard to make at home, or just not worth the effort. 

But imagine being able to have a really fun, nutritious, beautiful and delicious snack or a meal whenever you felt like it. 

We're here to show you how to can whip delicious recipe up with barely any fuss, time or cleanup. 

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Healthy Hydration Tips to Support Your Skin and Body

Healthy Hydration Tips to Support Your Skin and Body

December 02, 2019

Succulent, juicy and plump. These are signs of both a healthy cactus as well as healthy hydrated skin.

To survive in harsh, dry conditions cacti have developed techniques to hold water within their fleshy folds and use of their spines to provide shade as well as reduce airflow creating a mini habitat within a habitat. We humans, however, whilst being incredibly amazing are not able to hold our water quite so well. 

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The Wonders and Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

The Wonders and Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

November 19, 2019

In ancient times, tea was not sipped for pleasure but for medicinal purposes and as an aid to meditation. In ancient China, Buddhist monks cultivated and harvested the plants, sharing tea in their travels and keeping the traditions of growing tea alive throughout Asia.

In other cultures, remedial teas were made from plants growing in local fields and forests, with recipes and folklore handed down from woman to woman over generations. 

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