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5 Steps to Glowing Skin with the Mayella Mantra

5 Steps to Glowing Skin with the Mayella Mantra

January 06, 2020

Every day is not the same for us or our skin. There are constant changes in the climate, our daily diet and our physiological state of the body. 

So how do we protect our skin and balance our health and wellness every day? 

To help you achieve a daily nourish and nurture regime for your precious skin, we're sharing here our Mayella Mantra that drives the way we do skincare. 

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Healthy Hydration Tips to Support Your Skin and Body

Healthy Hydration Tips to Support Your Skin and Body

December 02, 2019

Succulent, juicy and plump. These are signs of both a healthy cactus as well as healthy hydrated skin.

To survive in harsh, dry conditions cacti have developed techniques to hold water within their fleshy folds and use of their spines to provide shade as well as reduce airflow creating a mini habitat within a habitat. We humans, however, whilst being incredibly amazing are not able to hold our water quite so well. 

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The Wonders and Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

The Wonders and Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

November 19, 2019

In ancient times, tea was not sipped for pleasure but for medicinal purposes and as an aid to meditation. In ancient China, Buddhist monks cultivated and harvested the plants, sharing tea in their travels and keeping the traditions of growing tea alive throughout Asia.

In other cultures, remedial teas were made from plants growing in local fields and forests, with recipes and folklore handed down from woman to woman over generations. 

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rice field and a hut near Canggu, Bali

Recharging the Mind Body Soul Bali-Style

August 09, 2019

Bali Time - Self care therapy...inhale exhale.

Mother of three highly active children, working, running around to different sporting activities, as well as fitting in your own exercise and running a household becomes extremely draining on the body and mind. Can you relate? We hear you, yes we can! Sarah shares her Self Care & Maintenance Recipe and walks us through her personal Bali retreat . 

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scattered Australian leaves, fruits and nuts on a white background

This Australian Super-Fruit is the Richest Known Source of Natural Vitamin C

July 02, 2019 1 Comment

Its true - a smoothie a day can keep the doctor away!

Elements like vitamins, minerals, and proteins provide the essential building blocks the body and your beautiful skin requires to heal and repair. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient needed to repair cells and maintain our immune system function to enjoy being healthy and strong, vital and for radiant skin. We also need Vitamin C to produce Collagen, a protein found everywhere throughout our bodies in bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels, eyes, teeth, hair and skin.  

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Meditate Stretch Smoothie - Mayella 2019 New Year Resolutions Blog Post Brooke Chamberlain

New Year Resolutions - Meditate Stretch Smoothie & Repeat, Bring on 2019 and all its new challenges!

December 30, 2018

I always love to reflect on my achievements over the year and take a moment to be proud of myself. Take a moment and think,  “what can you be proud of this year?” “What can you be thankful for?” and focus on those. What we focus on is so powerful in determining our direction!

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Traveling with Mayella – Japan ! !

Traveling with Mayella – Japan ! !

November 09, 2018

Travelling with family is always fun and this adventure we headed to Japan.

Japan is an Amazing country with so much to see and do – two weeks is just not enough. We spent a few days in
Tokyo taking in the sights and what a rush to the senses it was.

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Traveling with Mayella – Life is what you make it, here’s to making it good in L.A.

Traveling with Mayella – Life is what you make it, here’s to making it good in L.A.

June 23, 2018

I’ve heard many mixed reviews about LA so I decided it was time I came over and sussed out what this creative hub was all about. 8 weeks have gone by and I fall more in love with this city everyday, from quirky artists to homeless drug addicts, its certainly a place which has opened my eyes.

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The power of Aromatherapy

The power of Aromatherapy

March 13, 2018

The art of aromatherapy -

Essential oils are a fundamental part of our formulating within Mayella, based on their holistic nature.

The essential oils used in aromatherapy are derived from roots, bark, stalks, leaves, peel, flowers and resins. Pure, organic and natural essential oils have formed a loving, healing, unconditional relationship with our very souls over the centuries. 

The aroma of pure organic essential oils positively influences mood and motivation, stimulating and strengthening a positive balance and harmony of mind, body and spirit. 

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December 22, 2017

Statement of GRATITUDE – Perspective with Brooke Chamberlain As Christmas and the silly season approaches it’s important to stay active, enjoy a little family time and yes we all love to indulge a little extra over this festive season so here’s a few of my favourite holiday tips to staying healthy!! EXERCISE EVERYDAY – Do

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